Group managed by Cycle Islington (The local branch of London Cycling Campaign)
Electric Scooter Trial in Camden
On the 7th June 2021 Transport for London launched a trial on the use of rental electric scooters across some parts of London.
E.g. in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, Richmond, Kensington and Chelsea and Tower Hamlets (ride through only) and Canary Wharf.
The City of London and Westminster plan to join the trial on the 5th July 2021.
Camden Council is now consulting on taking part in this trial.
Service operators Dott, Lime and Tier.
The e-scooters would be unlocked through the operator’s app on the user’s mobile phone and would be required to be parked within a designated parking bay at the end of a journey.
They would be permitted on public highways in Camden and cycle lanes and will share cycle contraflow facilities.
They would not be permitted on pavements or any public pedestrian space.
Riders would need to be 18 years of age or over and have a full or provisional driving licence to rent an e-scooter
Speed would be limited to 12.5mph. GPS managed speeds..
They would be parked on street in assigned dockless hire parking bays, GPS enforcement of using bays
Camden Square Area Safe and Healthy Streets
The Camden Square area is bounded by Camden Road, Camden Park Road-York Way, Agar Grove and St Pancras Way. Most of this area already benefits from some road closures made in the 1970s at junctions with Agar Grove (St Augustines Road, St Paul’s Crescent and Stratford Villas) and at junctions with Camden Road (Rochester Square and Cantelowes Road). But Murray Street is still used as a rat-run between Camden Road and Agar Grove.
This consultation focuses on
- The removal of the rat-run on Murray Street and of another potential rat-run via North Villas
- Improvements to the cycle route that runs from Cliff Road, through Camden Square and on to Royal College Street.
The rat-run reduction scheme proposes two filters:
- A diagonal filter on Murray Street at the junction with Stratford Villas enforced by ANPR camera. (right turns into Camden Road from Murray Street will be permitted)
- A filter with a removable bollard at the top of Camden Square west side which will become two-way for all vehicles.
- Mandatory left turn signs where Camden Mews meets Camden Park Road.
The proposals for improving the cycle route are:
- Randolph Street with flow and contraflow cycle lanes protected by wands
- Marked cycle crossings over Royal College Street at the junction with Randolph Street (with relocation of the bus stop to the south of this junction).
- A radical improvement of the junction of Agar Grove, St Pancras Way and Randolph Street;
- on each of the four arms of the junction, cycles will get a green at a stage in the signals where they can cross safely without conflict with motor vehicles.
- pedestrians can obtain an all green stage on demand
- the approach from Agar Grove will be in a lane protected by wands
- A Tiger Crossing over Agar Grove at the southern end of Stratford Villas
- Cliff Road: the contraflow lane will be moved behind the parked cars while the with flow lane runs with general traffic but all parking will be removed on this (the south) side.
York Way: Road safety changes
Camden Council has recently installed Pop-up cycle lanes on York Way. They are now consulting on proposals for three of the signalised junctions.
Agar Grove / Brewery Road junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- Addition of pedestrian countdown* on all arms
- Addition of an Advanced Stop Line (ASL) for cyclists on Brewery Road
Freight Lane junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- New pedestrian phases added to the southern and western arm (currently there are no dedicated pedestrian phases at this intersection)
- Addition of pedestrian countdown on all arms
- New or extended ASLs on all arms
- Protected junction ‘bypass’ for southbound cyclicts
- New advisory lane marked through the intersection for northbound cyclists, with coloured tarmac
Handyside Street / Copenhagen Street junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- Addition of pedestrian countdown on all arms
- Lengthening of ASLs on the northern and southern arm
- Advisory lanes marked through the intersection for north and southbound cyclists, with coloured tarmac
Camden Council review of parking permits and parking charges
Camden Council is consulting on a review of its parking permits and parking charges
Motivation: diesel vehicle ownership and trips have not reduced sufficiently to address the AQ impact.
The proposed changes are from April 2021 unless stated otherwise.
Residents Parking permits
The diesel surcharge to be raised from 21.5% to 50% of the petrol vehicle permit price (surcharge ranging from £65 to £237 per annum).
The petrol vehicle permit price depends on CO2 emissions and ranges from £130-£274 p.a.
Electric vehicles get free permits.
Visitors permits
Not mentioned in the consultation document so presumably remain the same e.g. £1.12 per hour.
Car clubs
The current permit price is £289. This will change to a price based on CO2 emissions with a diesel surcharge.
The price for electric cars will be £86. The lowest CO2 emission polluter pays £289.
Doctors’ permits
The same charges as for a Car Club vehicle.
Paid for parking sessions
Currently, the borough is divided into four areas each with different tariffs. The areas with the two lowest tariffs will be merged.
CO2 emission based charging will be introduced and the diesel surcharge will be raised from 21.5% to 50%
Electric vehicles pay from £2.40 to £4.14 per hour in areas 1 to 3 while the charge for petrol cars range from £3.43 (lowest polluter in the cheapest area) to £5.15 (highest polluter in most expensive area).
Increased price for coaches £13.82 per hour.
Maximum stay of 1 hour where there is currently no maximum and in CPZs with only 2 hours of operation.
South of Euston Road maximum stay reduced from 2 to 1.5 hour. From April 2022.
Motorcycle parking
Discount electric m/c residents’ permit (to £22 p.a.) and increase the price of petrol ones (to £130 p.a.). They also have business permits and visitor permits.
Convert all dedicated solo m/c bays to shared use with one of the various permits. No more free parking for m/cs.
Paid for parking £3.42-£5.92 per hour for petrol and £1.72-£2.96 electric per hour.
Review of the Highway Code
Goverment Review of HWC
Micromobility - Future of Transport Call for Evidence
A discussion about the Dept for Transport's new Call for Evidence about changing the law regarding e-scooters and other similar vehicles.
Parking and Healthy Streets Consultation in CA-G, Somers Town, Controlled Parkin
Due to the expansion of Euston Station to accommodate HS2. residential parking has been reduced around Euston Station, which has triggered a review of provision in the CA-G CPZ.
Kentish Town Healthy Streets Project
Camden Council wants to improve the Kentish Town area, including improving air quality and making walking and cycling easier and safer. The area included is shown on the attached map on which we have added blue lines to show the links in the Camden cycle network in this area. See map image with the Issue.
Camden has already been engaging with stakeholders at meetings and with local people via the Commonplace engagement map (see link).
Barnet Draft Long Term Transport Strategy 2020-2041 Consultation
Update: Strategy adopted by Environment Committee on 09/09/2020
"Barnet’s population is growing and by 2030 it will have grown to almost 450,000 people, with a significant increase in the older population. We want to ensure that transport in the borough can support this growth and provides a reliable, safe and convenient transport network which supports improvements to air quality and the health of all of our residents."
"There is also limited road space in the borough and with the projected population growth, congestion can only be addressed by reducing our reliance on the car and encouraging more sustainable and active ways to travel such as walking, cycling and public transport."
"Our proposed Long Term Transport Strategy sets a direction for change to offer greater choices for travel, encourage more active lifestyles which will increase the health and well-being of Barnet’s residents and improve air quality. The strategy also sets out a number of proposed schemes for each type of travel along with activities to help change behaviour and encourage positive changes to the way we currently travel."
Our vision
The strategy includes the following vision statement relating to our long term vision for transport in the borough:
By 2041, Barnet will have an efficient, convenient and reliable transport network, which enables safe, healthy and inclusive travel, protects the natural environment and supports the borough’s growth.
The network will have transformed the way people and goods travel, providing strong orbital and radial links which gives everyone a choice of transport modes to complete their journey regardless of age, ability or income.
This vision informs our proposals for the future of transport in the borough, and sets out a roadmap for achieving our vision which also complements other council policies such as the Growth Strategy(External link), the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy(External link), and the draft Local Plan(External link)."
Green Lanes Cycle tracks
Hackney Council are proposing protected cycle tracks along Green Lanes from the borough boundary with Haringey to (and beyond) the boundary with Islington.
If they can't get funding from TfL they will create an interim scheme with painted cycle lanes.