Things tagged 'junction'

limited to the area of Islington:

3 issues found for 'junction':

  • Consultation on Proposed Pedestrian and Cycling Improvements at York Way / Goods Way junction

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The main improvement for cycling is the facilitation of an eastbound route between Goods Way and Wharfdale Road. Unfortunately, due to Wharfdale Road being one way, this route currently doesn't work westbound.

    Camden Council's proposals include the following:

    - Permit cyclists to turn right out of Goods Way into York Way

    - ASLs on all three arms of the junction

    - Northbound approach on York Way towards Goods Way reduced to single motor lane, making room for a cycle lane

    - Signalised green man crossings on all three arms of the junction (only one at present)

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  • King's Cross Junction consultation 2014

    Created by Richenda // 1 thread

    Deadline: 24 March 2014

    Note: the most significant place in this proposal is the Gray's Inn Road/York Way route, where Deep Lee was killed in 2011.

    Drop-in sessions: 4 and 11 March 2014
    Time: 16:30 – 19:00
    Venue: King’s Cross Neighbourhood Centre, 51 Argyle Street

    CCC were consulted in advance and do not like the proposals. Our main objections are that these proposals:
    1. fail to meet TfL’s own 2005 Cycle Design Standards, on many points,
    2. put cyclists on the pavement at an extremely pedestrian-busy junction,
    3. fail to narrow the traffic heading into York Way down to one lane early enough. It narrows, already, to one lane once it reaches the bus stops in York Way, so it is perverse not to narrow it before the junction, thus freeing up space for a cycle lane to take cyclists safely through the junction.

    We have other more detailed objections which we will post later.

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45 threads found for 'junction':

No planning applications found for 'junction'.

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