Things tagged 'camden'

limited to the area of Islington:

23 issues found for 'camden':

  • Electric Scooter Trial in Camden

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    On the 7th June 2021 Transport for London launched a trial on the use of rental electric scooters across some parts of London.

    E.g. in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, Richmond, Kensington and Chelsea and Tower Hamlets (ride through only) and Canary Wharf.

    The City of London and Westminster plan to join the trial on the 5th July 2021.

    Camden Council is now consulting on taking part in this trial.

    Service operators Dott, Lime and Tier.

    The e-scooters would be unlocked through the operator’s app on the user’s mobile phone and would be required to be parked within a designated parking bay at the end of a journey.

    They would be permitted on public highways in Camden and cycle lanes and will share cycle contraflow facilities.

    They would not be permitted on pavements or any public pedestrian space.

    Riders would need to be 18 years of age or over and have a full or provisional driving licence to rent an e-scooter

    Speed would be limited to 12.5mph. GPS managed speeds..

    They would be parked on street in assigned dockless hire parking bays, GPS enforcement of using bays

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  • Camden Square Area Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The Camden Square area is bounded by Camden Road, Camden Park Road-York Way, Agar Grove and St Pancras Way. Most of this area already benefits from some road closures made in the 1970s at junctions with Agar Grove (St Augustines Road, St Paul’s Crescent and Stratford Villas) and at junctions with Camden Road (Rochester Square and Cantelowes Road). But Murray Street is still used as a rat-run between Camden Road and Agar Grove.

    This consultation focuses on

    • The removal of the rat-run on Murray Street and of another potential rat-run via North Villas
    • Improvements to the cycle route that runs from Cliff Road, through Camden Square and on to Royal College Street.

    The rat-run reduction scheme proposes two filters:

    • A diagonal filter on Murray Street at the junction with Stratford Villas enforced by ANPR camera. (right turns into Camden Road from Murray Street will be permitted)
    • A filter with a removable bollard at the top of Camden Square west side which will become two-way for all vehicles.
    • Mandatory left turn signs where Camden Mews meets Camden Park Road.

    The proposals for improving the cycle route are:

    • Randolph Street with flow and contraflow cycle lanes protected by wands
    • Marked cycle crossings over Royal College Street at the junction with Randolph Street (with relocation of the bus stop to the south of this junction).
    • A radical improvement of the junction of Agar Grove, St Pancras Way and Randolph Street;
      • on each of the four arms of the junction, cycles will get a green at a stage in the signals where they can cross safely without conflict with motor vehicles.
      • pedestrians can obtain an all green stage on demand
      • the approach from Agar Grove will be in a lane protected by wands
    • A Tiger Crossing over Agar Grove at the southern end of Stratford Villas
    • Cliff Road: the contraflow lane will be moved behind the parked cars while the with flow lane runs with general traffic but all parking will be removed on this (the south) side.

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  • York Way: Road safety changes

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council has recently installed Pop-up cycle lanes on York Way. They are now consulting on proposals for three of the signalised junctions.

    Agar Grove / Brewery Road junction

    • Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
    • Addition of pedestrian countdown* on all arms
    • Addition of an Advanced Stop Line (ASL) for cyclists on Brewery Road

    Drawing here

    Freight Lane junction

    • Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
    • New pedestrian phases added to the southern and western arm (currently there are no dedicated pedestrian phases at this intersection)
    • Addition of pedestrian countdown on all arms
    • New or extended ASLs on all arms
    • Protected junction ‘bypass’ for southbound cyclicts
    • New advisory lane marked through the intersection for northbound cyclists, with coloured tarmac

    Drawing here

    Handyside Street / Copenhagen Street junction

    • Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
    • Addition of pedestrian countdown on all arms
    • Lengthening of ASLs on the northern and southern arm
    • Advisory lanes marked through the intersection for north and southbound cyclists, with coloured tarmac

    Drawing here

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  • Camden Council review of parking permits and parking charges

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council is consulting on a review of its parking permits and parking charges

    Motivation: diesel vehicle ownership and trips have not reduced sufficiently to address the AQ impact.

    The proposed changes are from April 2021 unless stated otherwise.

    Residents Parking permits

    The diesel surcharge to be raised from 21.5% to 50% of the petrol vehicle permit price  (surcharge ranging from £65 to £237 per annum).

    The petrol vehicle permit price depends on CO2 emissions and ranges from £130-£274 p.a.

    Electric vehicles get free permits.

    Visitors permits

    Not mentioned in the consultation document so presumably remain the same e.g. £1.12 per hour.

    Car clubs

    The current permit price is £289. This will change to a price based on CO2 emissions with a diesel surcharge.

    The price for electric cars will be £86. The lowest CO2 emission polluter pays £289.

    Doctors’ permits

    The same charges as for a  Car Club vehicle.

    Paid for parking sessions

    Currently, the borough is divided into four areas each with different tariffs. The areas with the two lowest tariffs will be merged.

    CO2 emission based charging will be introduced and the diesel surcharge will be raised from 21.5% to 50%

    Electric vehicles pay from £2.40 to £4.14 per hour in areas 1 to 3 while the charge for petrol cars range from £3.43 (lowest polluter in the cheapest area) to £5.15 (highest polluter in most expensive area).

    Increased price for coaches £13.82 per hour.

    Maximum stay of 1 hour where there is currently no maximum and in CPZs with only 2 hours of operation.

    South of Euston Road maximum stay reduced from 2 to 1.5 hour. From April 2022.

    Motorcycle parking

    Discount electric m/c residents’ permit (to £22 p.a.) and increase the price of petrol ones (to £130 p.a.). They also have business permits and visitor permits.

    Convert all dedicated solo m/c bays to shared use with one of the various permits. No more free parking for m/cs.

    Paid for parking £3.42-£5.92 per hour for petrol and £1.72-£2.96 electric per hour.

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  • Kentish Town Healthy Streets Project

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council wants to improve the Kentish Town area, including improving air quality and making walking and cycling easier and safer.  The area included is shown on the attached map on which we have added blue lines to show the links in the Camden cycle network in this area. See map image with the Issue.

    Camden has already been engaging with stakeholders at meetings and with local people via the Commonplace engagement  map (see link).

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  • Camden Park Road, St. Augustine’s Road and Cliff Villas walking and cycling impr

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    This consultation proposes a cycling and walking link between St  Augustine’s Road and Cliff Villas, the location of Brecknock Primary School.

    They mention connection to the proposed cycle route between Camden and Tottenham Hale that Transport for London will be consulting on in 2020 which is a very valid point even if we’re not sure of its alignment.

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  • Hatton Garden cycle permeability schemes: St Cross Street and Saffron Street

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    St Cross Street

    St Cross street runs from Farringdon Road, across Saffron Hill to Hatton Garden. It is currently one-way westbound between Saffron Hill to Hatton Garden.

    The consultation proposes two-way cycling all the way through while reducing the short section between Saffron Hill and Farringdon Road to one-way eastbound for motor vehicles (with a cycle contraflow lane).

    Saffron Street

    Saffron Street connects Saffron Hill with Farringdon Road and currently the western end (as far as Onslow Street) is one-way eastbound.

    The consultation proposes two-way cycling all the way through while Saffron St is closed to motor traffic between Saffron Hill and Onslow Street in order to safely facilitate two-way cycling, and to create an improved environment for pedestrians.

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  • Camden's Clean Air Action Plan 2019-2022

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden’s Clean Air Action Plan has been produced as part of our duty to London Local Air Quality Management. It outlines the action we will take to improve air quality in Camden between 2019 and 2022.

    Apologies for very late posting

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  • Camden - Tottenham Hale cycle route

    Created by Simon Munk // 4 threads

    At approximately 12km, this route would connect the town centres of Tottenham Hale, Seven Sisters and the Nag's Head, making it easier for people to make local journeys and use local services. The route would use both main roads and quieter back streets.

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  • Consultation: Tufnell Park junction revisions

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    Revised description following release of the Consultation (on 14 December 2018):

    The proposals for this junction includes the following major changes:

    1. Widening the footway surrounding the entrance to the underground station, both on Tufnell Park Road and Brecknock Road, as well as the western footway of Dartmouth Park Hill (near Burghley Road where the school pupils congregate after school).

    2. Removal of central islands on all roads at the junction. This allows for more road space to be given to mark a dedicated cycle lane on approach to the junction where cyclists are more vulnerable or in some cases to provide an additional traffic lane to reduce delay to buses.

    3. Implementing two new diagonal crossings providing a direct link from east to west, from the school side to the bus stops on Tufnell Park Road and the underground station. These would allow pedestrians to cross in one stage instead of crossing two roads before reaching their destination.

    4. Widening the existing crossings to accommodate more pedestrians to cross comfortably at the same time.

    5. Extend double yellow lines on the western side by 16m up to 227/229 Brecknock Road to prevent vehicles parking at this location which will result in traffic congestion due to narrow width of carriageway

    6. Banning the right turn from Junction Road into Dartmouth Park Hill.

    7. Marking advanced cycle stoplines on all approaches including mandatory cycle feeder lanes on Junction Road and Tufnell Park Road.

    8. Banning the left turn from Brecknock Road into Fortess Road.

    9. Provision of a ‘Keep Clear’ road markings opposite Burghley Road to assist with cyclists turning right out of the side road.

    10. Provision of pedestrian countdown timers and a pedestrian only stage allowing pedestrians to cross all roads whilst all other traffic is stopped.

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  • Farringdon area - proposed walking and cycling improvements

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden is consulting on proposals aimed at improving conditions for walking and cycling in the Farringdon area. They say these are part of a larger vision for the area which is a strip between Gray’s Inn Road and Farringon/Kings Cross Road; bounded on the south side by Holborn and on the north side by Swinton Street.

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  • Play Street consultations

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 3 threads

    From time to time, we receive consultations on Play Streets and rather debating each one as it comes in, I think it could be helpful to have a policy as to whether CCC want to respond as a group and the position we should take.

    Play Streets are achieved by the occasional closures of a stretch of road to enable children to play (e.g. twice a month for a couple of hours).
    The road closures are usually operated by local residents using ‘road closed’ signs, advanced warning signs and barriers.

    Play Streets are not directly connected to cycling. But, as they may give people an idea that it would improve the area to have longer term road closures, I would like to support such schemes.

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  • Hatton Garden Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    This Hatton Garden Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy contains a fascinating study of the buildings and streetscapes in the Hatton Garden area.

    It contains a brief section on "Movement" in Sections 5.29-5.32 on page 58 and a figure on page 59. Deals with motor vehicles, pedestrians and buses but it forgets cycles.

    "Opportunities for enhancement". P 81 briefly outlines "Traffic and movement: strengths, weaknesses and opportunities."
    This should recognise the potential contribution of cycling

    New and improved cycle routes are shown on a map on page 83 (reproduced in this issue's image).They recognise the following:
    - Theobalds- Clerkenwell Road alignment
    - Rosebery Avenue
    - Hatton Garden

    Also should include at least:
    -The CS6 alignments (being built this year)
    - Grays Inn Road as a GRID link
    - permeability links e.g. through Back Hill/Eyre Street Hill to Hatton Garden and via Laystall Street

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  • Highbury Corner - improvements for pedestrians & cyclists

    Created by Angela Hobsbaum // 1 thread

    TfL/Islington are proposing improvements to Highbury Corner. This is a major scheme - removing one-way traffic system on the roundabout and introducing fully-segregated cycle tracks and dedicated crossings for cyclists.

    Here's the TfL page and the council landing page is at

    TfL/Islington drop-in sessions at:
    Union Chapel, Compton Terrace, London N1 2UN

    Wednesday, 24 February 15:00 - 19:00
    Saturday, 27 February 09:30 - 13:30
    Monday, 29 February 10:00 - 14:00

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  • North-South Cycle Superhighway (extension to Kings Cross)

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 3 threads

    The North-South Cycle Superhighway is already under construction between Stonecutter Street and Elephant & Castle.

    TfL, together with Camden and Islington Councils, is now consulting on proposals to extend it north up to King’s Cross.

    The proposal is that it should continue north on Farringdon Road to Greville Street where northbound cyclists would turn onto a quiet back-street route to King’s Cross.

    Southbound cyclists from King’s Cross would turn off the back-street route onto Farringdon Road at Ray Street via a new signalised junction and continue south on a stepped cycle track.
    Detailed proposals

    Section 1 - Farringdon Street (between Stonecutter Street and Holborn Viaduct)

    Section 2 - Farringdon Street (between Holborn Viaduct and Charterhouse Street)

    Section 3 - Farringdon Road and Saffron Hill (between Charterhouse Street and St. Cross Street)

    Section 4 - Farringdon Road and Saffron Hill (between St. Cross Street and Ray Street)

    Section 5 - Farringdon Road, Ray Street, Herbal Hill and Warner Street

    Section 6 - Warner Street and Phoenix Place

    Section 7 - Pakenham Street, Calthorpe Street and Cubitt Street

    Section 8 - Ampton Street, Sidmouth Street and Tavistock Place

    Section 9 - Tavistock Place and Judd Street

    See also this related scheme for the treatment of the Euston Road junction and continuation northwards:

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  • King Cross Gyratory Redesign

    Created by User 609 (deleted) // 1 thread

    Issue now superseded by this issue discussing TfL's consultation:

    TfL, Camden Council, and Islington Council are currently developing plans to redesign the Kings Cross Gyratory and address some of the failures of the current gyratory layout.

    The current environment is very poor, and a real barrier to cycling. Fast, and congested one way traffic with 10-20,000 PCUs per day, and no cycle provision currently. Accessing the station from the east is almost impossible.

    The area has seen a number of cycle collisions including at least one fatality.

    To pre-empt the consultation due late 2015, we wanted to discuss what would be the best outcome for people on bikes.

    More information will be added when we know more, but for now, ideas please.

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  • Changes to the King's Cross gyratory

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    TfL are consulting on a major scheme aimed at improving the roads in the Kings Cross area. The consultation proposes the conversion of several key roads from one-way to two-way working (York Way, Pentonville Road, Gray's Inn Road and Caledonian Road). New cycle facilities proposed include cycle contraflow lanes on Wharfedale Road, King's Cross Road, Penton Rise and Acton Street. New signalised crossings for cycles are suggested at Lorenzo Street and Pentonville Road and Penton Rise and Pentonville Road.

    There is no discussion of the engineering details. Those are promised for early 2017 following the results of this consultation.

    An important issue for cycle campaigners will be the feasibility of achieving protected space on the main alignments through the area.

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  • The TfL North-South cycle superhighway consultation

    Created by George Coulouris // 4 threads

    Full details of the consultation are at:
    closing date for comments is 19 October 2014.

    Camden Cyclists we propose to send a response to this consultation on behalf of our members. This will focus only on the part within Camden (the section between Charterhouse Street and Euston Road - as detailed on the map attached). But note that the alignment of the route north of Greville Street is not agreed between Camden and TfL and is not formally considered a part of the consultation.

    So it makes sense to have two discussion threads for the sections in Camden south and north of Greville Street.

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  • Cycling on Camden Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    TfL officers told us last November that they have a project to improving conditions for cyclists on Camden Road. This would include "investigating the feasibility of a northbound mandatory cycle lane; a wide bus and cycle lane southbound and the removal of two- lane flares at junctions". They assumed a 12m road width, suggesting 6m for a pair of general traffic lanes together with a 2m cycle lane and 4 m bus +cycle lane.

    They are now inviting CCC to a meeting to discuss cycling on the TLRN in Camden, and also take the opportunity to walk along Camden Rd to further discuss the corridor scheme they’re progressing. On further enquiry they said:
    "We would prefer to take the opportunity to engage with CCC as an independent stakeholder, separate from LB Camden, in order to fully understand the campaign’s ambitions for the TLRN."

    1. Let's clarify what we would want on Camden Road (without taking on TfL's assumption that there must be a bus lane. And being realistic as to what might fit in at a junction. The above photo shows a potential left hook situation.

    2. Can I have volunteers to join me on this walk/talk.


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