Bow Liveable Streets consultation

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Added by Alex Jenkins

Liveable Streets is a multi-million pound borough-wide street and public space improvement programme. It aims to improve the look and feel of public spaces in neighbourhoods across the borough and make it easier, safer, and more convenient to get around by foot and bike.

We’ve listened to your concerns on issues including:

  • The volume and speed of vehicles in residential areas
  • Unfriendly pavements, public spaces and poor crossings for pedestrians
  • Hostile environments for cyclists, particularly for children

We would now like to hear your feedback on the proposals, which you can do by filling out the below survey by Wednesday 29 July 2020.

What is proposed and why are these proposals important?

Every day there are over 33,000 journeys within the Bow area. Of these, 49% are vehicles travelling through the area and not stopping. This means over 16,000 journeys are from non-residents of the local area and these vehicles are contributing to the already unacceptable levels of air pollution on your streets, outside your schools and around your local shops.

The Liveable Streets proposals will help improve road safety, public spaces, air quality and give the streets back to the residents. However to achieve this some local residents who want to drive may have to travel longer distances.

Seven main schemes have been developed to improve walking and cycling, create better public spaces, discourage through-traffic and improve air quality. We are proposing traffic changes and calming measures to make local streets safer for everyone. Pedestrian improvements, better street lighting, tree planting and cycling infrastructure are also considered.


July 29th, 2020


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