A23 Streatham Hill Cycleway
Our proposals at a glance
Transport for London (TfL), together with Lambeth Council would like to know your views on proposals for improvements which will include:
- High quality segregated cycle lanes and bus stop bypasses throughout the extent of the scheme
- Straight-across pedestrian crossings relocated to be where people want to walk and cross the road
- Zebra crossings proposed to cross the cycle lane to signalised pedestrian crossings across the main carriageway
- 2 additional pedestrian crossings
- Bus lanes maintained or implemented and operational hours extended to between 07:00 - 19:00 Monday to Saturday throughout the scheme
- 20mph speed limit throughout
- Changes to side road access including restrictions and closures, redesign and resurfacing
- New traffic signals at the Telford Avenue junction
- Improvements to public realm throughout the route, unlocking areas by removing central brick build planters and planting of new trees and landscaping
- Changes to some parking and loading provision
To complement this scheme we have been working with Lambeth Council to develop a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in the nearby residential areas to the east of the A23. This will complement the A23 scheme by protecting local streets from through traffic and will help deliver wider objectives such as creating Healthy Routes on local roads. Visit the consultation page of Lambeth’s website from the 22 February 2020 to find out more.