Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme
Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme
Who is consulting?
Highways & Infrastructure
Why are we consulting?
Each year we identify roads in Brent which have the highest numbers of recorded Personal Injury Accidents (PIA’s). We then consider the introduction of road safety measures to help reduce the number of accidents.
The junction of Furness Road with Harlesden High Street and Harrow Road has been identified as a location with a high number of accidents. Over the last 3 years there have been 9 traffic accidents recorded at the junction. 1 accident resulted in serious injury and 8 accidents resulted in slight injury. 3 accidents involved a pedestrian, 2 involved a pedal cyclist and 2 involved motorcyclists.
The existing pedestrian facilities at this junction are also inadequate. The only protected pedestrian phase is across the southern arm of High Street Harlesden, with no formal crossings across all other approach arms to this very busy junction. Also most pedestrians tend to cross the junction on the north side of High Street Harlesden, which is not a protected and formal crossing.
The other problem with this junction is the Furness Road approach. This is only a single lane approach with a free flowing, uncontrolled traffic movement for left-turning traffic. The right turning traffic obstructs the free flowing left-turning traffic even though it is uncontrolled. This is mainly due to the single lane approach to the junction holding the left-turning traffic which then causes long tail backs on Furness Road on daily basis, particularly during the peak hour periods. We are therefore proposing to introduce a comprehensive set of measures to reduce the number of traffic accidents and also improve junction capacity.