TfL Consultation: Cycle and pedestrian improvements on the A21 Bromley Road from its junction with Canadian Avenue and Bargery Road, to Culverley Road

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Added by Shaun McDonald

Transport for London (TfL) would like your views on our proposals to make cycle and pedestrian improvements at the above location.

Why We Are Consulting
Canadian Avenue and Bargery Road form part of the London Cycle Network (LCN) in Lewisham. However, cyclists and pedestrians find it difficult to cross the A21 Bromley Road in the area, and there are a high number of cycle collisions on Bromley Road at its junction with Canadian Avenue. These proposals are aimed at reducing traffic speeds and making the area safer for cyclists and pedestrians.


A mandatory 2 metre wide cycle lane is proposed on Bromley Road southbound, from Culverley Road to the bus stop just south of Bargery Road. Bromley Road will be reduced from two to one lane southbound to accommodate the cycle lane. Traffic islands on Bromley Road around Bargery Road will allow physical segregation between the mandatory southbound cycle lane and other traffic, and kerb build-outs on Bargery Road will slow traffic at the junction itself.

A 1.5 metre mandatory northbound cycle lane, widening to 2 metres, is proposed from south of Canadian Avenue to north of the junction where it merges with the existing bus lane on Bromley Road. The Canadian Avenue exit lanes onto Bromley Road will be reduced from two to one lane by building-out the kerb and providing a raised table to reduce the speed of those turning left towards Catford.


A staggered zebra crossing across Bromley Road is proposed south of the junction with Canadian Avenue, with shared use areas on either side for pedestrians and cyclists (although cyclists must dismount to use the crossing). A new informal crossing is also proposed just north of the junction with dropped kerbs and tactile paving.

The pedestrian refuge opposite St Laurence Church will be relocated further south towards Penerley Road where the road is slightly wider, so that the proposed cycle lane is a consistent 2 metres in width.

Please see the drawing for more details:

The width restriction into Canadian Avenue will remain.

Given no unforeseen delays we intend to make these improvements in Autumn 2014.

How to comment on the proposals:

Please give us your views by completing the online form below by Friday 28 February 2014.


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